Useful Links

Be You:

Be You is a mental health and wellbeing framework for primary schools and early childhood education and care services, and is proven to make a positive difference to the lives of Australian children.

Bounce Back:

Bounce Back! is a program that facilitates schools as safe, supportive and inclusive learning and teaching communities. We work on enhancing student wellbeing and their engagement in learning, and teacher wellbeing and their passion for teaching and whole school wellbeing.

Bounce Back:

Bad times don't last

Other people can help if you talk to them

Unhelpful thinking makes you feel more upset

Nobody is perfect

Concentrate on the positives

Everybody experiences bad times

Blame fairly

Accept what can't be changed

Catastrophising exaggerates your worries

Keep things in perspective


Mathletics is Australia's most used educational Maths site. It engages students in Maths with an interactive and fun approach to teaching and reviewing maths skills and strategies.


Visit the Think-u-Know website to learn more about Cybersafety and what measures can be taken to improve online safety. Students in Banksia participate in the Australian Federal Police run program called Think You Know. This program supports students' understanding of how to stay stay safe online.